School Management Solution
The rapid growth of private schooling in Turkey is leading to the inclusion of commercial targets into the standard processes of educational institutions. The management of multi-campus and multi-branch schools located in different districts and in different cities requires a powerful and end-to-end ERP system. The schools, which carry their educational services to the top with their academic work, are looking for a suitable and flexible enterprise resource planning solution in order to maintain these services seamlessly.
The school management solution, which Pargesoft has developed based on the needs of the education sector, meets all the ERP needs beyond the academic program on a central platform, starting with the registration of the student and parent candidates to graduation from the school. All financial operations such as setting up financial forecasts for new registrations, setting up payment plans, and billing are on Pargesoft’s system. Resolving school-specific phases such as registration management, contract management and billing management through ERP provides educational institutions with unparalleled management flexibility in their enterprise business processes.